Sponsorship Opportunities

Future of Work Summit (cont.)

Future of Work Summit

Current global, economic, technological and societal pressures have forced change on organizations of all size. This multi-day summit looks at the rapidly changing facets of work, the workplace and the workforce. Speakers and thought leaders bring interactive sessions on topics related to changing workplace cultures, technology integra- tion, workforce agility and adaptability and much more. Companies and workplaces must learn to innovate, collab- orate and reinvent themselves to stay relevant and competitive.

Networking Reception Sponsor • Exclusive sponsor of networking reception


Want more info about the conference? View the conference website. Have specific questions? Email Lindsey Ray, the coordinator for this conference. Ready to sponsor? Complete the sponsorship enrollment form.

Silver Sponsor • Four registrations • Recognized and website linked on event website


Partnering Sponsor • Eight registrations • Recognized and website linked on event website


• Name on event signage • Name on event screens • Mentions on social media

• Logo on event signage • Logo on event screens

Breakout Room Sponsor • One registration • Company name outside breakout room • Mentions on social media

• Verbal recognition at event • Mentions on social media • Logo on attendee emails • Logo on attendee nametags • $1,000 student scholarship in sponsoring company name Platinum Sponsor • Eight registrations • Recognized and website linked on event website



• Logo on event signage • Logo on event screens • Verbal recognition at event • Mentions on social media

Gold Sponsor • Four registrations • Recognized and website linked on event website


• Name on event signage • Name on event screens • Verbal recognition at event • Mentions on social media



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