Sponsorship Opportunities

Women’s Business Leadership Conference The Women’s Leadership Conference invites women in business to come together to explore overcoming challeng- es, growing through leadership and gaining excellence. Presented in partnership with the Oklahoma International Women’s Forum.

Supply Chain Symposium (cont.)

Supporting Sponsor • Logo included in marketing and Symposium materials • Recognized and website linked on event website


Want more info about the conference? View the conference website. Have specific questions? Email Alexis Hightower, the coordinator for this conference. Ready to sponsor? Complete the sponsorship enrollment form.

Booth *Limited to seven booth spaces*


Platinum Sponsor • 15 registrations to conference • Optional Booth • Logo and name included on conference materials • Recognized and website linked on event website • Mentions on social media


Gold Sponsor • 10 registrations to conference • Optional Booth


$10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $500


# of registrations





Logo included in marketing/ Symposium materials Recognized and website linked on event website

• Logo and name included on conference materials • Recognized and website linked on event website • Mentions on social media Silver Sponsor • Five registrations to conference • Logo and name included on conference materials • Recognized and website linked on event website • Mentions on social media Bronze Sponsor • Two registrations to conference • Logo and name included on conference materials • Recognized and website linked on event website • Mentions on social media

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Mentions on social media

Opportunity to play 2-min promo video

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Verbal Recognition

Opportunity to introduce speaker





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