Sponsorship Opportunities

Table of Contents

What is the Center for the Future of Work?

What is the Center for the Future of Work?..................................................................................3

At the Center for the Future of Work, we believe that together we can shape a more sustainable, human-centric workplace where we can thrive as a society more than any other industrial period. We strive to empower workers and organizations with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed, so that we can co-create a workplace of the future that prioritizes well-being and drives economic growth. We will accomplish this by promoting positive and inclusive change in the rapidly evolving landscape of work. We are committed to understanding and addressing the challenges and opportunities that arise from technological advancements, societal shifts and economic transformations, ensuring that our workers, organizations and communities thrive in the future of work.

ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES....................................................................4 Annual Sponsorship Levels................................................................................................................5

CONFERENCE & PROGRAM SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES......................................7 Accounting and Financial Reporting Conference & Oil and Gas Accounting Conference...............................................................................................8 Energy Conference...............................................................................................................................11 Future of Work Summit......................................................................................................................14 Supply Chain Symposium..................................................................................................................17 Women’s Business Leadership Conference...................................................................................19

TRIBAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES......................................................................21 Tribal Finance and Accounting Programs......................................................................................22

*If you are interested in gift/non-gift tax purposes, please contact our office.

The IRS requires us to inform you the extent to which your gift for this event is tax deductible. The fair market value of benefits you will receive is listed within each level; therefore, the amount of your gift may be greater than the benefit amount listed and may be considered tax deductible. Consult a tax professional for guidance on how this applies to you or your company. To learn more about available sponsorships here or contact us at 405-744-5208.



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