Sponsorship Opportunities

Tribal Finance and Accounting Programs (cont.)

Tribal Finance and Accounting Programs

Want more info about Tribal Programs? View the program websites. Have specific questions? Email Lindsey Ray, the coordinator for Tribal Programs. Ready to sponsor? Complete the sponsorship enrollment form.

Premier Sponsor


Online Introductory Tribal Finance and Accounting Certificate Program

Combination sponsorship for all of the below tribal events:

This eight-week online program provides the opportunity to connect with and learn from other trib- al finance and accounting professionals throughout the state and across the country.

Online Introductory Tribal Finance and Accounting Certificate Program • Up to five pages of sponsoring company’s information inserted in each participant’s digital binder • Prominent display of company’s name and/or logo on conference materials and website • Opportunity to be recognized on marketing emails to participants • Receive copy of attendee list Introductory Tribal Finance and Accounting Certificate Program • Up to five pages of sponsoring company’s information inserted in each participant’s digital binder • Sponsoring company mentioned during the welcome • Prominent display of company’s name and/or logo on conference materials and website • Opportunity to be recognized on marketing emails to participants • Receive copy of attendee list Virtual Intermediate Tribal Finance and Accounting Certificate Program • Up to five pages of sponsoring company’s information inserted in each participant’s digital binder • Prominent display of company’s name and/or logo on conference materials and website • Opportunity to be recognized on marketing emails to participants • Receive copy of attendee list

The program is presented online so participants can learn on their own time and set hours conve- nient to their schedules. The amount of time devoted to completing the program is about five hours per week. There are quizzes, short assessments, and discussion posts, throughout the sessions to help participants retain information. Participants will also be able to chat with instructors to discuss and ask questions about course material at the end of each week via the Zoom chat room.

Introductory Tribal Finance and Accounting Certificate Program

This four-day, onsite program provides the opportunity to connect with and learn from other tribal finance and accounting professionals throughout the state and across the country.

Virtual Intermediate Tribal Finance and Accounting Certificate Program This four-week program is presented virtually via live Zoom sessions. Particpants can expect to dedicate two, three-hour days per week to completing the program. Interact with and learn from other tribal finance and accounting professionals throughout the state and beyond. Participants can receive up to 25 hours of CPE credit. Virtual Tribal Finance and Accounting Conference The Tribal Finance and Accounting Conference will cover the basics about grants, grant audits, cred- it card matters and risk management as they pertain to tribal finances. This is a virtual conference for anyone who is involved in the tribal accounting and finance process.

Virtual Tribal Finance and Accounting Conference • Receive 10 registrations to attend the virtual conference • Receive electronic materials for the conference

• Prominent display of company’s name and/or logo on conference materials and website • Sponsoring company will have an opportunity to play a three minute promotional video • Opportunity to be recognized on marketing emails to participants



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