Sponsorship Opportunities

Annual Sponsorship Levels

The below sponsorship opportunities invite organizations to not only participate in our events, but also work alongside us as a strategic partner in reshaping the workplace of tomorrow.

Future of Work Innovator • Highlighted as future of work innovator at all events • Provided 10 seats to all major conferences • Invitation to VIP student networking opportunities • Executive position on Future of Work Advisory Board • One seat in the Executive Education Partnership Program • One seat in the Next Level Women’s Leadership Program • Company logo displayed inside the Center for the Future of Work office • Invitation to exclusive industry expert roundtable lunches • Naming rights for one conference: “Brought to you by...” (subject to availability) • Invitation to introduce a keynote speaker at the Future of Work Summit • Invitation to VIP events with keynotes and special guests • Opportunity to purchase tickets to additional events at a 25% discount



Future of Work Collaborator • Highlighted as future of work collaborator at all events • Provided five seats to all major conferences • Invitation to VIP student networking opportunities • Membership to Future of Work Advisory Board • Company logo displayed inside the Center for the Future of Work office • Invitation to exclusive industry expert roundtable lunches • Naming rights for one conference: “Brought to you by...” (subject to availability) • Opportunity to purchase tickets to additional events at a for 25% discount


Future of Work Contributor • Highlighted as future of work collaborator at all events


• Provided three seats to all major conferences • Membership to Future of Work Advisory Board

Major conferences include: Energy Conference, Women’s Leadership Conference, and the Future of Work Summit



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