'23-'24 LeadHERship Spears Impact Report

A year-long leadership program for students in the Spears School of Business. We encourage learning about themselves, engaging with their community, actively networking with various professionals, and discovering what it means to them to be a LEADER. Who are we? What do we do? LeadHERship Spears is comprised of a series of monthly personal discovery and professional skill development sessions. Each session is designed to complement the curriculum by engaging in deep-dive workshops focused on critical professionalism, concepts, and skills. These hands-on sessions mix content, practice, and networking to sharpen the Fellow’s self-awareness, social effectiveness, and professional savvy. Throughout the year, Fellows apply the lessons they learn towards a student- generated service-learning project. This project is envisioned and executed by the cohort of Fellows during their development year.

Since 2022, we have graduated 30 students and given $15,000 in scholarships.

We would like to thank our sponsors for making our program possible. This allows our Fellows to attend monthly workshops to enhance soft skills, grow their network, and explore future leadership paths, plus receive a $500 scholarship.

Alexis Hightower Program Coordinator

Alexis Smith Washington Co-Director of LeadHERship

Sarah Mason Teague Co-Director of LeadHERship

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