Masterclass Catalog


Management |

How Effective Meetings Can Save Time and Drive Results

Dr. Abbey Davis — Director for the Center for the Future of Work, Spears School of Business, and Assistant Professor of Practice, Oklahoma State University

We’ve all fallen victim to bad meetings at some point in our career; the never-ending, round-robin, the unpro- ductive rants, the issues that seem to be rehashed every single week. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. If meetings are structured a specific way, they can save us time. In this workshop, participants will learn that there are at least five different types of meetings that organizations should be having to drive results. We will explore concepts from the book Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni along with other best practices in this workshop. You will walk away with the tools needed to begin the meeting transformation process with your team. This seminar is sponsored by the Department of Management and the Center for Executive and Professional Development in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. Participants earn 0.3 or 0.6 con- tinuing education units (CEUs) depending on the length of the seminar.

» KORN FERRY COMPETENCIES Drives engagement | Drives results | Drives vision and purpose | Optimizes work processes

SEMINAR OUTLINE I. Introduction to Death By Meeting by Patrick Lencioni II. Assessment of current meeting effectiveness III. 5 types of meetings A. 1:1 B. Tactical C. Strategic D. Quarterly/biannual planning IV. What meeting structure is right for your team? V. How well-intended meetings go south VI. How meetings save time so employees can focus on other priorities A. Myth of multitasking

B. Increasing employee engagement with flow C. Using deliberate practice for talent development

VII. Next steps and wrap up

MATERIALS: Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni [Optional}

“For those organizations that can make the leap from painful meetings to productive ones, the rewards are enormous.”— Patrick Lencioni

The Center for the Future of Work in the OSU Spears School of Business offers various certificate programs and customized professional development.

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