Masterclass Catalog


Management |

Managing Up

Kellie Ebert — Manager of the Eastin Center for Career Readiness in Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University

Based on the book It’s OK to Manage Your Boss by Bruce Tulgan, this workshop will help participants learn how to be more effective in their role through the skills of boss-management. The days of uncertainty around expectations and performance are over and it’s time to take ownership of your career and development. During this workshop participants will learn how to become accountable for their performance and develop- ment, identify all of the bosses that they answer to, and learn how to effectively communicate with each other. Participants will also learn the principles of effective feedback and have the opportunity to practice delivering positive and constructive feedback effectively. This seminar is sponsored by the OSU Spears School of Business and the Center for Executive and Professional Development in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. Participants earn 0.3 continuing education units (CEUs) upon completion of this seminar.

» KORN FERRY COMPETENCIES Collaborates | Interpersonal savvy | Organizational savvy | Strategic mindset

SEMINAR OUTLINE I. First person you have to manage is you II. Make time every day to manage any boss you answer to III. Take it one boss at a time IV. Customize your approach to every boss V. Exactly what is expected of you VI. Resource planning VII. Track your own performance VIII. Go the extra mile

The Center for the Future of Work in the OSU Spears School of Business offers various certificate programs and customized professional development.

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