Accounting and Finance |
Finance for Managers II
Dr. David Carter — Oklahoma Bankers Association Chair of Commercial Bank Management and Professor of Finance in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University
Finance for Managers II provides an overview of the skills and methods used in effective financial analysis and in the planning, budgeting, and control process. The material covered will provide a summary of the basic tools of financial analysis. The seminar addresses three central functions of financial management: capital budgeting, working capital management and financial planning. You will work through case studies and examples illustrating the central principles of financial management, thereby gaining a better understanding of your role in contributing to the overall value of the company. The two-day seminar is designed for a broad range of employee levels, including sales personnel and line managers. Company input is crucial in selecting topics, coverage, and meaningful examples. This seminar is sponsored by the Department of Finance and the Center for the Future of Work in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. Participants earn 1.2 continuing education units (CEUs) in this two-day seminar upon completion of the seminar.
» KORN FERRY COMPETENCIES Balances stakeholders | Business insight | Financial acumen | Plans and aligns
I. Tools
III. Working capital management A. Cash conversion cycle B. Effective cost of credit
A. Financial statements B. Ratio analysis C. Time value relationships D. Risk and return trade-offs presented by business decisions E. Participant activities F. Financing projected growth G. Evaluation of a lease vs. buy decision II. Capital budgeting A. Creating shareholder value through capital budgeting decisions B. Determinants of the cost of capital C. Size, timing, and certainty of projected cash flows D. Project evaluation E. Participant activities i. Constructing projected cash flows ii. Examining risk factors
C. Accounts receivables and inventory management D. Risk and return trade-offs presented by working capital management decisions E. Participant activity i. Decision to change trade credit terms IV. Financial planning A. Constructing pro forma financial statements B. Cash flow break-even point C. What if analysis D. Participant activities E. Cash budgeting i. External financing sources
The Center for the Future of Work in the OSU Spears School of Business offers various certificate programs and customized professional development.
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