Masterclass Catalog


Business Analytics/Project Management/Information Security |

Evidence-Based Management: Better Decision-Making

Dr. Matthew Bowler — Director of the MBA Program and Associate Professor of Management in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University

We like to think that we are objective decision makers who rely on facts to make rational decisions. Research, however, indicates that actually, our decisions are much more subjective and irrational than what we imagine. Most of us tend to follow best practices, previous experiences, personal beliefs, etc., to make our decisions – things that may be completely irrelevant to the decision we face. Evidence-based management entails people thinking more scientifically. To become better decision makers, we need to think critically, identify the best available information, and hold our sub- jective biases in check. In this seminar, we will examine the perils of decision-making and work on techniques that will allow us to make more objective and rational decisions.

After completing the seminar, participants should be able to: • Formulate focused questions

• Search effectively for evidence in online research databases • Understand the basics of research methodology and study design • Critically appraise evidence for its validity and applicability • Integrate the evidence with managerial expertise and judgment • Monitor the outcome

Format options: Face-to-face seminar with minimal lecture, self-assessment, and discussion, cases, web activities, etc. This seminar will be available in a one to six-hour seminar with the possibility of future collaboration with business analytics or another professor for a two-day seminar. Benefits: Attendees will be better equipped to make non-programmed managerial decisions by asking better questions, finding better sources for information, balancing that information with intuition, etc. This will in turn benefit their companies’ bottom-line performance by reducing strategic and tactical errors. Therefore, firms will save money from potentially failed projects and decisions, while creating more profits from better decisions and strategic plays. Who should attend: The seminar will target upper-level executives to mid-level managers faced with non-programmed decisions. These deci- sion makers could be in the areas of sales, manufacturing, service firms, governmental leaders, oil and gas development, and public officials, etc. This topic is available on-site. This seminar is sponsored by the Department of Management and the Center for the Future of Work in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. This seminar may vary in the number of hours from one to six hours depending on the content provided and the number of continuing education units (CEUs) provided accordingly.

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