Masterclass Catalog


Innovation |

Critical Thinking: Think Different and Think Better Dr. Andrew L. Urich — Associate Professor of Management, Chair and Director of Student Development, Eastin Center for Career Readiness in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University Both organizations and individuals profit from the ability to create value. High-value individuals have the ability to solve problems, make good decisions, and create profitable ideas. This seminar focuses on the vital role that mindset and thinking play in the development of these skills. For the purpose of this seminar, critical thinking refers to thinking that is disciplined, objective, purpose-driven, and goal-directed. With a practical emphasis, the definition is further defined as “using your brain to create value for you and your organization.” The seminar includes an application for fighting bureaucracy and unleashing your creative and innovative spirit. It’s not intended for everyone. Participants will be encouraged to challenge the status quo and question conventional wisdom. In doing so, they will question core beliefs and world views and entertain the notion that we may never have it all figured out. In short, the goal is to help participants become conscious of their thought processes and give them tools and ideas to improve the way they think. This seminar is sponsored by the Department of Management and the Center for the Future of Work in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. Participants earn 0.3 or 0.6 continuing education units (CEUs) depending on the length of the seminar.

» KORN FERRY COMPETENCIES Manages complexity | Decision quality | Cultivates innovation | Self-development

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The Center for the Future of Work in the OSU Spears School of Business offers various certificate programs and customized professional development.

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