A complete list of Masterclasses offered through the OSU Center for the Future of Work.
Amit Bansal | 159 |
Raj Basu, Ph.D. | 160 |
Matthew Bowler, Ph.D. | 161 |
James Burkman, Ph.D. | 162 |
David Carter, Ph.D. | 163 |
Goutam Chakraborty, Ph.D. | 164 |
Jennifer Coonce, M.B.A. | 165 |
Rachel Cox, M.S., C.P.A. | 166 |
Abbey Davis, Ph.D., PHR, SHRM-CP | 167 |
Dursun Delen, Ph.D. | 168 |
Rachel Domnick, M.S., C.P.A. | 169 |
Kyle Eastham, M.S., M.P.A. | 170 |
Kellie Ebert, M.B.A. | 171 |
Bryan Edwards, Ph.D. | 172 |
Marjorie A. Erdmann | 173 |
Lindsey Greco, Ph.D. | 174 |
Toby Joplin, Ph.D., C.P.A. | 175 |
Maribeth Kuzmeski, Ph.D. | 176 |
Aaron Light, MBA | 177 |
Kim McCrackin, M.A. | 178 |
Peter Margaritis | 179 |
CSP, CPA | 179 |
James M. Pappas, Ph.D. | 180 |
Stephanie Phipps, Ph.D., MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP | 181 |
Jerry Rackley, M.B.A. | 182 |
Stephanie Royce, Ph.D. | 183 |
Betty J. Simkins, Ph.D. | 184 |
Alexis Smith Washington, Ph.D. | 185 |
Mike Stump | 186 |
Pearl Sumathi, Ed.D. | 187 |
Marc Tower, Ed.D. | 188 |
Andrew L. Urich, J.D. | 189 |
Overview of Government Accounting | 18 |
Investing for Success | 17 |
Financial Analysis and Modeling Using Excel | 16 |
Finance for the Nonfinancial Manager | 15 |
Finance for Managers II | 13 |
Finance for Managers I | 12 |
Ethics Under Pressure | 11 |
Capital Expenditures (Capx) and Operational Expenditures (Opex) | 10 |
Introduction to Oil and GasThings to Know for the Oil and Gas Industry | 29 |
How to Read Your Company’s Annual Report: 10 Things to Know for the Oil and Gas Industry | 28 |
Finance and Capital Investment Analysis for Project Managers and Technical Professionals | 26 |
ESG: What the Data Says | 25 |
Energy Value Chain | 24 |
Energy Finance and Economic Analysis | 23 |
Building Business Acumen and Strategic Financial Skills in the Oil and Gas Industry | 22 |
Advanced and Expert Strategies in Oil and Gas Finance | 20 |
vLeader Simulation | 38 |
Discover Your Working Genius | 37 |
DiSCover Your Leadership Strengths | 36 |
Developing Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) | 34 |
Building Your Business Acumen: Strategic Business Management via Business Simulation | 33 |
Birkman Method: Assessing Your Leadership Style and Strengths | 32 |
Being a Self-Aware Leader: Emotional & Social Inventory Competency (ESCI) | 31 |
Understanding Business Analytics to Improve Company Performance | 53 |
Project Management | 52 |
Information Assurance for Managers | 50 |
Information Assurance for Front-Line Employees | 49 |
Evidence-Based Management: Better Decision-Making | 47 |
Demystifying Business Analytics and Data Science | 45 |
Data Science and Machine Learning Made Easy: Turning Business Managers into Citizen Data Scientists | 43 |
Business Process Improvement and Project Management | 42 |
Business Analytics and Data: The Evidence of Evidence-Based Management | 41 |
Using Your Talents to Lift Performance | 66 |
Performance Management | 65 |
Managing Confrontations | 63 |
Manager as Conflict Resolver | 62 |
Executive Coaching for Emerging Leaders | 61 |
Enhancing Employee Motivation Through Coaching | 60 |
Crucial Communications | 59 |
Better Workplace Habits Equals Better Business | 58 |
Accountability at Work: How to Eliminate Mediocrity and Increase Productivity | 56 |
Words at Work: Business Writing for Success | 81 |
Strengthening Your Network: Enhancing Professional Relationships | 80 |
Professional Business Email Writing and Etiquette | 79 |
Networking and Building Profitable Relationships | 77 |
Mental Wellness: Creating Mental Wellness Literacy | 76 |
Improving Presentation Skills: Making a Powerful Impact | 75 |
Fine-Tuning Your Business Writing | 74 |
Executive Presence: Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence | 72 |
Editing and Proofreading | 71 |
Compelling Public Speaking for Leaders: Presentation Skills Development | 69 |
Becoming a Better Communicator: Introduction to Social Style and Versatility | 68 |
Sales Magnetism! Lead Customers to a Decision Through Proving Your Undeniable Value | 86 |
Design Thinking 101: Driving Successful Customer Relationships | 85 |
Delivering Exceptional Customer Service: A Culture of Customer-First | 83 |
Inclusive Leadership: Undoing Unconscious Bias and Emphasizing Empathy | 91 |
Achieving Inclusion Amidst Unconscious Bias, Microaggressions, and Polarized Positions | 89 |
Critical Thinking: Think Different and Think Better | 95 |
Creativity Tools for Left-Brain Thinkers | 94 |
Becoming an Agile Learner | 93 |
Shifting Gears: From Managing to Leading | 118 |
Servant Leadership: Serving Yourself and Others | 117 |
Practicing Mindful Leadership: Cultivating Connection and Engagement | 115 |
Outperforming the Competition Through Employee Engagement | 114 |
Organizational Behavior: A Practical Problem-Solving Approach | 113 |
Off Scr!pt: Mastering the Art of Business Improv | 112 |
Leading with Fairness | 110 |
Leading Virtually | 109 |
Leading Through Turmoil | 108 |
Leading Change/Change Management | 107 |
Leadership by Question | 105 |
Good to Great: What’s a Leader to Do? | 103 |
Ethics Awareness: Managing for an Ethical Workplace | 102 |
Ethics 2.0: Character and Culture | 101 |
Developing an Agile Workforce | 100 |
Building Accountability as a Leader | 99 |
Authentic Leadership: Know Thyself to Lead Thy Team | 98 |
“Why” Discovery Workshop for Organizations or Teams | 140 |
Tune-Up Your Negotiation and Persuasion Skills | 138 |
Supervisory Program: Leadership, Mentoring, and Coaching for Outstanding Performance | 137 |
Succession Planning: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders | 135 |
Six Keys to Empowering Employees to Take Ownership | 133 |
Selecting Strong Talent in Your Organization | 132 |
Practitioner’s Guide to Mentoring | 131 |
Power of Influence | 129 |
Navigating the Pipeline: Women in Business and Leadership | 128 |
Men, Women, and Gender Rules at Work | 127 |
Managing Up | 126 |
Managing Business Relationships and Careers | 125 |
Lessons From Mount Everest: A Manager’s Guide to Agile Decision-Making in a High-Stakes Environment | 124 |
How Effective Meetings Can Save Time and Drive Results | 123 |
From Traditionals to Generation Z: Leading Generations at Work | 122 |
Crafting Authentic Identities: Understanding and Appreciating Our Differences | 121 |
Accessing and Engaging Employees | 120 |
Marketing Magnetism! Clarify Your Unique Brand Value and Drive New Business Growth | 143 |
Digital Marketing 101 | 142 |
Unleashing the Power of Organizational Culture | 153 |
Strategic Planning | 152 |
Strategic Performance: Building Culture | 151 |
Strategic Management: Facilitation | 150 |
Problem Solving | 149 |
Growth Mindset: The Key to Strategic Development | 148 |
Developing the Strategic Middle Manager: The First Step Toward Organizational Renewal | 146 |
Psychological Safety | 157 |
Amit Bansal | 159 |
Raj Basu, Ph.D. | 160 |
Matthew Bowler, Ph.D. | 161 |
James Burkman, Ph.D. | 162 |
David Carter, Ph.D. | 163 |
Goutam Chakraborty, Ph.D. | 164 |
Jennifer Coonce, M.B.A. | 165 |
Rachel Cox, M.S., C.P.A. | 166 |
Abbey Davis, Ph.D., PHR, SHRM-CP | 167 |
Dursun Delen, Ph.D. | 168 |
Rachel Domnick, M.S., C.P.A. | 169 |
Kyle Eastham, M.S., M.P.A. | 170 |
Kellie Ebert, M.B.A. | 171 |
Bryan Edwards, Ph.D. | 172 |
Marjorie A. Erdmann | 173 |
Lindsey Greco, Ph.D. | 174 |
Toby Joplin, Ph.D., C.P.A. | 175 |
Maribeth Kuzmeski, Ph.D. | 176 |
Aaron Light, MBA | 177 |
Kim McCrackin, M.A. | 178 |
Peter Margaritis | 179 |
CSP, CPA | 179 |
James M. Pappas, Ph.D. | 180 |
Stephanie Phipps, Ph.D., MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP | 181 |
Jerry Rackley, M.B.A. | 182 |
Stephanie Royce, Ph.D. | 183 |
Betty J. Simkins, Ph.D. | 184 |
Alexis Smith Washington, Ph.D. | 185 |
Mike Stump | 186 |
Pearl Sumathi, Ed.D. | 187 |
Marc Tower, Ed.D. | 188 |
Andrew L. Urich, J.D. | 189 |
Creating and Developing High-Performance Teams | 156 |
Creating an Inspiring Employee-centric Team | 155 |
Accounting and Finance | 9 |
Capital Expenditures (Capx) and Operational Expenditures (Opex) | 10 |
Ethics Under Pressure | 11 |
Finance for Managers I | 12 |
Finance for Managers II | 13 |
Finance for the Nonfinancial Manager | 15 |
Financial Analysis and Modeling Using Excel | 16 |
Investing for Success | 17 |
Overview of Government Accounting | 18 |
Accounting and Finance for Energy | 19 |
Advanced and Expert Strategies in Oil and Gas Finance | 20 |
Building Business Acumen and Strategic Financial Skills in the Oil and Gas Industry | 22 |
Energy Finance and Economic Analysis | 23 |
Energy Value Chain | 24 |
ESG: What the Data Says | 25 |
Finance and Capital Investment Analysis for Project Managers and Technical Professionals | 26 |
How to Read Your Company’s Annual Report: 10 Things to Know for the Oil and Gas Industry | 28 |
Introduction to Oil and GasThings to Know for the Oil and Gas Industry | 29 |
Being a Self-Aware Leader: Emotional & Social Inventory Competency (ESCI) | 31 |
Birkman Method: Assessing Your Leadership Style and Strengths | 32 |
Building Your Business Acumen: Strategic Business Management via Business Simulation | 33 |
Developing Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) | 34 |
DiSCover Your Leadership Strengths | 36 |
Discover Your Working Genius | 37 |
vLeader Simulation | 38 |
Business Analytics/ Project Management/Information Security | 40 |
Business Analytics and Data: The Evidence of Evidence-Based Management | 41 |
Business Process Improvement and Project Management | 42 |
Data Science and Machine Learning Made Easy: Turning Business Managers into Citizen Data Scientists | 43 |
Demystifying Business Analytics and Data Science | 45 |
Evidence-Based Management: Better Decision-Making | 47 |
Information Assurance for Front-Line Employees | 49 |
Information Assurance for Managers | 50 |
Project Management | 52 |
Understanding Business Analytics to Improve Company Performance | 53 |
Coaching and Conflict Resolving | 55 |
Accountability at Work: How to Eliminate Mediocrity and Increase Productivity | 56 |
Better Workplace Habits Equals Better Business | 58 |
Crucial Communications | 59 |
Enhancing Employee Motivation Through Coaching | 60 |
Executive Coaching for Emerging Leaders | 61 |
Manager as Conflict Resolver | 62 |
Managing Confrontations | 63 |
Performance Management | 65 |
Using Your Talents to Lift Performance | 66 |
Communication | 67 |
Becoming a Better Communicator: Introduction to Social Style and Versatility | 68 |
Compelling Public Speaking for Leaders: Presentation Skills Development | 69 |
Editing and Proofreading | 71 |
Executive Presence: Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence | 72 |
Fine-Tuning Your Business Writing | 74 |
Improving Presentation Skills: Making a Powerful Impact | 75 |
Mental Wellness: Creating Mental Wellness Literacy | 76 |
Networking and Building Profitable Relationships | 77 |
Professional Business Email Writing and Etiquette | 79 |
Strengthening Your Network: Enhancing Professional Relationships | 80 |
Words at Work: Business Writing for Success | 81 |
Customer Service | 82 |
Delivering Exceptional Customer Service: A Culture of Customer-First | 83 |
Design Thinking 101: Driving Successful Customer Relationships | 85 |
Sales Magnetism! Lead Customers to a Decision Through Proving Your Undeniable Value | 86 |
Diversity and Inclusion | 88 |
Achieving Inclusion Amidst Unconscious Bias, Microaggressions, and Polarized Positions | 89 |
Inclusive Leadership: Undoing Unconscious Bias and Emphasizing Empathy | 91 |
Innovation | 92 |
Becoming an Agile Learner | 93 |
Creativity Tools for Left-Brain Thinkers | 94 |
Critical Thinking: Think Different and Think Better | 95 |
Authentic Leadership: Know Thyself to Lead Thy Team | 98 |
Building Accountability as a Leader | 99 |
Developing an Agile Workforce | 100 |
Ethics 2.0: Character and Culture | 101 |
Ethics Awareness: Managing for an Ethical Workplace | 102 |
Good to Great: What’s a Leader to Do? | 103 |
Leadership by Question | 105 |
Leading Change/Change Management | 107 |
Leading Through Turmoil | 108 |
Leading Virtually | 109 |
Leading with Fairness | 110 |
Off Scr!pt: Mastering the Art of Business Improv | 112 |
Organizational Behavior: A Practical Problem-Solving Approach | 113 |
Outperforming the Competition Through Employee Engagement | 114 |
Practicing Mindful Leadership: Cultivating Connection and Engagement | 115 |
Servant Leadership: Serving Yourself and Others | 117 |
Shifting Gears: From Managing to Leading | 118 |
Accessing and Engaging Employees | 120 |
Crafting Authentic Identities: Understanding and Appreciating Our Differences | 121 |
From Traditionals to Generation Z: Leading Generations at Work | 122 |
How Effective Meetings Can Save Time and Drive Results | 123 |
Lessons From Mount Everest: A Manager’s Guide to Agile Decision-Making in a High-Stakes Environment | 124 |
Managing Business Relationships and Careers | 125 |
Managing Up | 126 |
Men, Women, and Gender Rules at Work | 127 |
Navigating the Pipeline: Women in Business and Leadership | 128 |
Power of Influence | 129 |
Practitioner’s Guide to Mentoring | 131 |
Selecting Strong Talent in Your Organization | 132 |
Six Keys to Empowering Employees to Take Ownership | 133 |
Succession Planning: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders | 135 |
Supervisory Program: Leadership, Mentoring, and Coaching for Outstanding Performance | 137 |
Tune-Up Your Negotiation and Persuasion Skills | 138 |
“Why” Discovery Workshop for Organizations or Teams | 140 |
Digital Marketing 101 | 142 |
Marketing Magnetism! Clarify Your Unique Brand Value and Drive New Business Growth | 143 |
STRATEGY | 145 |
Developing the Strategic Middle Manager: The First Step Toward Organizational Renewal | 146 |
Growth Mindset: The Key to Strategic Development | 148 |
Problem Solving | 149 |
Strategic Management: Facilitation | 150 |
Strategic Performance: Building Culture | 151 |
Strategic Planning | 152 |
Unleashing the Power of Organizational Culture | 153 |
TEAMS | 154 |
Creating an Inspiring Employee-centric Team | 155 |
Creating and Developing High-Performance Teams | 156 |
Psychological Safety | 157 |
Amit Bansal | 159 |
Raj Basu, Ph.D. | 160 |
Matthew Bowler, Ph.D. | 161 |
James Burkman, Ph.D. | 162 |
David Carter, Ph.D. | 163 |
Goutam Chakraborty, Ph.D. | 164 |
Jennifer Coonce, M.B.A. | 165 |
Rachel Cox, M.S., C.P.A. | 166 |
Abbey Davis, Ph.D., PHR, SHRM-CP | 167 |
Dursun Delen, Ph.D. | 168 |
Rachel Domnick, M.S., C.P.A. | 169 |
Kyle Eastham, M.S., M.P.A. | 170 |
Kellie Ebert, M.B.A. | 171 |
Bryan Edwards, Ph.D. | 172 |
Marjorie A. Erdmann | 173 |
Lindsey Greco, Ph.D. | 174 |
Toby Joplin, Ph.D., C.P.A. | 175 |
Maribeth Kuzmeski, Ph.D. | 176 |
Aaron Light, MBA | 177 |
Kim McCrackin, M.A. | 178 |
Peter Margaritis | 179 |
CSP, CPA | 179 |
James M. Pappas, Ph.D. | 180 |
Stephanie Phipps, Ph.D., MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP | 181 |
Jerry Rackley, M.B.A. | 182 |
Stephanie Royce, Ph.D. | 183 |
Betty J. Simkins, Ph.D. | 184 |
Alexis Smith Washington, Ph.D. | 185 |
Mike Stump | 186 |
Pearl Sumathi, Ed.D. | 187 |
Marc Tower, Ed.D. | 188 |
Andrew L. Urich, J.D. | 189 |
Accessing and Engaging Employees | 120 |
Accountability at Work: How to Eliminate Mediocrity and Increase Productivity | 56 |
Achieving Inclusion Amidst Unconscious Bias, Microaggressions, and Polarized Positions | 89 |
Advanced and Expert Strategies in Oil and Gas Finance | 20 |
Authentic Leadership: Know Thyself to Lead Thy Team | 98 |
Becoming a Better Communicator: Introduction to Social Style and Versatility | 68 |
Becoming an Agile Learner | 93 |
Being a Self-Aware Leader: Emotional & Social Inventory Competency (ESCI) | 31 |
Better Workplace Habits Equals Better Business | 58 |
Birkman Method: Assessing Your Leadership Style and Strengths | 32 |
Building Accountability as a Leader | 99 |
Building Business Acumen and Strategic Financial Skills in the Oil and Gas Industry | 22 |
Building Your Business Acumen: Strategic Business Management via Business Simulation | 33 |
Business Analytics and Data: The Evidence of Evidence-Based Management | 41 |
Business Process Improvement and Project Management | 42 |
Capital Expenditures (Capx) and Operational Expenditures (Opex) | 10 |
Compelling Public Speaking for Leaders: Presentation Skills Development | 69 |
Crafting Authentic Identities: Understanding and Appreciating Our Differences | 121 |
Creating and Developing High-Performance Teams | 156 |
Creating an Inspiring Employee-centric Team | 155 |
Creativity Tools for Left-Brain Thinkers | 94 |
Critical Thinking: Think Different and Think Better | 95 |
Crucial Communications | 59 |
Data Science and Machine Learning Made Easy: Turning Business Managers into Citizen Data Scientists | 43 |
Delivering Exceptional Customer Service: A Culture of Customer-First | 83 |
Demystifying Business Analytics and Data Science | 45 |
Design Thinking 101: Driving Successful Customer Relationships | 85 |
Developing an Agile Workforce | 100 |
Developing the Strategic Middle Manager: The First Step Toward Organizational Renewal | 146 |
Developing Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) | 34 |
Digital Marketing 101 | 142 |
DiSCover Your Leadership Strengths | 36 |
Discover Your Working Genius | 37 |
Editing and Proofreading | 71 |
Energy Finance and Economic Analysis | 23 |
Energy Value Chain | 24 |
Enhancing Employee Motivation Through Coaching | 60 |
ESG: What the Data Says | 25 |
Ethics 2.0: Character and Culture | 101 |
Ethics Awareness: Managing for an Ethical Workplace | 102 |
Ethics Under Pressure | 11 |
Evidence-Based Management: Better Decision-Making | 47 |
Executive Coaching for Emerging Leaders | 61 |
Executive Presence: Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence | 72 |
Finance and Capital Investment Analysis for Project Managers and Technical Professionals | 26 |
Finance for Managers I | 12 |
Finance for Managers II | 13 |
Finance for the Nonfinancial Manager | 15 |
Financial Analysis and Modeling Using Excel | 16 |
Fine-Tuning Your Business Writing | 74 |
From Traditionals to Generation Z: Leading Generations at Work | 122 |
Good to Great: What’s a Leader to Do? | 103 |
Growth Mindset: The Key to Strategic Development | 148 |
How Effective Meetings Can Save Time and Drive Results | 123 |
How to Read Your Company’s Annual Report: 10 Things to Know for the Oil and Gas Industry | 28 |
Improving Presentation Skills: Making a Powerful Impact | 75 |
Inclusive Leadership: Undoing Unconscious Bias and Emphasizing Empathy | 91 |
Information Assurance for Front-Line Employees | 49 |
Information Assurance for Managers | 50 |
Introduction to Oil and GasThings to Know for the Oil and Gas Industry | 29 |
Investing for Success | 17 |
Leadership by Question | 105 |
Leading Change/Change Management | 107 |
Leading Through Turmoil | 108 |
Leading Virtually | 109 |
Leading with Fairness | 110 |
Lessons From Mount Everest: A Manager’s Guide to Agile Decision-Making in a High-Stakes Environment | 124 |
Manager as Conflict Resolver | 62 |
Managing Business Relationships and Careers | 125 |
Managing Confrontations | 63 |
Managing Up | 126 |
Marketing Magnetism! Clarify Your Unique Brand Value and Drive New Business Growth | 143 |
Mental Wellness: Creating Mental Wellness Literacy | 76 |
Men, Women, and Gender Rules at Work | 127 |
Navigating the Pipeline: Women in Business and Leadership | 128 |
Networking and Building Profitable Relationships | 77 |
Off Scr!pt: Mastering the Art of Business Improv | 112 |
Organizational Behavior: A Practical Problem-Solving Approach | 113 |
Outperforming the Competition Through Employee Engagement | 114 |
Overview of Government Accounting | 18 |
Performance Management | 65 |
Power of Influence | 129 |
Practicing Mindful Leadership: Cultivating Connection and Engagement | 115 |
Practitioner’s Guide to Mentoring | 131 |
Problem Solving | 149 |
Professional Business Email Writing and Etiquette | 79 |
Project Management | 52 |
Psychological Safety | 157 |
Sales Magnetism! Lead Customers to a Decision Through Proving Your Undeniable Value | 86 |
Selecting Strong Talent in Your Organization | 132 |
Servant Leadership: Serving Yourself and Others | 117 |
Shifting Gears: From Managing to Leading | 118 |
Six Keys to Empowering Employees to Take Ownership | 133 |
Strategic Management: Facilitation | 150 |
Strategic Performance: Building Culture | 151 |
Strategic Planning | 152 |
Strengthening Your Network: Enhancing Professional Relationships | 80 |
Succession Planning: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders | 135 |
Supervisory Program: Leadership, Mentoring, and Coaching for Outstanding Performance | 137 |
Tune-Up Your Negotiation and Persuasion Skills | 138 |
Understanding Business Analytics to Improve Company Performance | 53 |
Unleashing the Power of Organizational Culture | 153 |
Using Your Talents to Lift Performance | 66 |
vLeader Simulation | 38 |
“Why” Discovery Workshop for Organizations or Teams | 140 |
Words at Work: Business Writing for Success | 81 |
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